December 4, according to foreign media reports, in the soon to be over in 2009, despite the relative economic downturn, but did not calm the global processor market, AMD spin-off manufacturing plants, Intel heavy penalties by the European Union, etc., following this year's deal device market, occurred in 10 events:
1. 英特爾與AMD歷史性和解
2. 歐盟裁定英特爾反壟斷罪名成立,罰款14.5億美元
3. AMD分拆制造業務,成立Globalfoundries工廠
4. 英特爾推出基于新一代微處理器架構Nehalem的處理器
5. 英特爾Atom處理器大行其道
6. AMD提前發布Istanbul六核Opteron處理器
7. Nvidia通過Ion和Tegra挑戰英特爾
8. AMD渠道重組
9. GPU長足發展,開始普及
10. AMD前CEO魯毅智卷入內幕交易